Some Ruthless Yet Meaningful Leadership Dispositions

Manil Mayank Mishra
3 min readJul 7, 2023


People tell you what you want to hear, not what you should listen to succeed. Here is something which all of us should listen to, sometime to be higher, everywhere. Read on!

1 — Respect your work. But respect it casually. That ways you will be able to take stabler, freer and more staying decisions at it.

2 — Only one thing can make you rich, famous and successful at once — LUCK. Hard work is an emotional excuse of the unlucky to nature and God. Accept it.

3 — Always keep interns over professionals in your company. They are lost, unsorted, confused and can’t distinguish between personal and professional life. That ways, they prioritise human feelings over mechanical success and always add a humanoid layer to your organisation.

4 — Beautiful women and good looking men work less but ask for more. Hire judiciously.

5 — Be ultra democratic in regular functioning of your organisation but be a true autocrat on legal papers.

6 — Not everyone joins your organisation to become a CEO/director of your company later. People work for their own future and not for company’s aspirations.

7 — No employee can love the organisation as much as the owner does. Understand that.

8 — It is easier to be richer from being rich than being rich from being poor. Observe it.

9 — Encourage people in your organisation to be a part of decision making but you always decide who decides.

10 —Always have noisy clock in your cabin that disturbs. That ways, you will never lose sense of time.

11— Always have an elder woman employee in your office who supports all your decisions blindly.

12 — Gain trust of your employees. Transform it into faith. Then, exploit it for your organisation later.

13 — A careless rich owner is far better than a labouriously diligent owner. Its hard to wake the former up than to make the latter sleep.

14 — Your worst enemy in your office is the person who knows more than you but still works under you.

15 — Dont compete with the owner of the organisation. You can’t become him. Instead, compete with the organisation. You will become bigger than the owner.

16 — Do not hire people with disturbed family life. Their only wish is to make rest of the world sad.

17 — Never praise an employee too much who delivers results at any cost. For if you do, your whole organisation shall depend upon him for all work at some point of time.

18 — Never hire an employee who has left his previous organisation due to ethical issues.

19 — Never have a relationship with any of your existing employees. For if you do, you will do grave injustice to rest of the employees who are equal in his/her position in your office. Love, no matter what, bestows privileges and patronages upon.

20 — Never fire three kinds of people from your organisation:

One, who is always shy of taking credits publicly.

Two, who doesn’t know he is being underpaid and,

Three, who knows yours and your family’s secrets.

And yes, I am here.



Manil Mayank Mishra

I write to live and I live to write. Somehow, in the quest of them being together, I partly live, I partly write. One should live ‘writely’.