Picture by Francesca Zama

Pain and Other Stories

Manil Mayank Mishra
3 min readMar 30, 2020


The antonym of happiness is not pain. Its the endurance to that pain. People change thoughts, versions, dilute promises, wear plastic smiles, move on unaffected, make hollow opinions, establish religious disorders, justify redundantly, lose emotional semblance, however, this is all, to establish the initial order of things, as they should have always been.

Let’s not blame these people though. Since when you blame or confront them, you give an impression, you understand them. Lets be good enough to not to understand the badness or virility of this evil, these thoughts, these deeds. As if nothing has happened.

We somehow tend to forget that nature hasn’t given birth to our mankind for simplifying the covert mysteries of nature in some mystic labyrinth but to transform the abject and unexpected patterns of humanity of doing new and contribute sumptuously to the beautification of this practical world in an experienced manner.

Religions collect people in the name of unbreakable insecurity. God has been made an irreparable figure of punishment. However, no God judges. He isn’t having any judgment day. That doomsday is synthetic. Largely, man made. What God does is to reflect the consequential outcome of what a man does. He is a source with a shoulder to cry upon. You pat your own back, somehow. I am not an atheist because I do believe in a God Who exists beyond an organised identity. This God doesn’t pass any value judgments. What we make is what we get.

When we soil our hands in mud, we result in uncleanliness. A potter, however, results in a legible pot. The attention is towards to the creation and then to the process. Not many of us believe in keeping things simple, straight, naive and palpable. We find pleasure in complexities. Our behaviour makes us happy when a listener takes times to understand us. Its not intelligence, its difficulty. However, lest we forget, simple and innocent virtues last longer. They take time to adulterate as they haven’t been exposed to impurity since their genesis.

Break a heart, a window pane, a used water bottle but what this world would expect you to repair and mend them the way they always were. People encourage status quo Viz a Viz that comfortable zone which doesn’t question the ancient cobwebs or a log of wood lying in a certain unexplained angle for years rusty. And we are happy about it. If not happy, partially content, largely indifferent. May be, we cant do anything about it. Then again, when civilisations turn around, take a leap, we , in the wake of change and shift, repay, reimburse and rescue. That’s unhygienic though as we then, break the natural order of things, which we ourselves, have established for years. It then becomes a paradox, that to establish nature, we break it, inevitably.

Summing up, a little hurriedly, I decline to accept that pain and suffering are different from each other. They should be borne together as one derives the sustenance from the other. You don’t need courage to have pain, its there and shall always be. You need audacity to have suffering to withstand that pain. Brave is who endures pain without letting it down with the passage of time. My God has simply made pain but my idea of absolute happiness has made suffering. I choose what I feel happiest and company with as some of us feel pain when are not in pain and happy when sad. Take sides, accept your fundamental emotional identity. You do not get to decide the fate, fortune and future and therefore, consequences.



Manil Mayank Mishra

I write to live and I live to write. Somehow, in the quest of them being together, I partly live, I partly write. One should live ‘writely’.