Grew Like A Joke But True Like A Sin

Manil Mayank Mishra
3 min readAug 7, 2022

Normally I dont exactly like what I write but this one how did I write, I dont really know. You may not agree to what I say or write but I think this is worth stealing heart once and if touches your heart somewhere, somehow.

Here you go:

The do’s and dont’s of life. See if you find any similarity with yours.

1-Never let anyone scrutinise your heart, deeds, gestures, endevours towards your better being . Most of the people have a linear journey and have seen lions in a zoo and not in a jungle.

2- If you have had it without struggle be proud of it and not embarrased. Not everyone is born to be poor and slog.

3- Its good to be good with a good man but its worst to be bad with a good man. Respect goodness for its so extincting that in some years from now it shall be taught in History school books.

4-Those who make sense rarerly make money and those who make money rarely make sense. Understand that.

5- Smile to everyone but laugh only with those who get your jokes straight.

6-Read. Just about anything.

7-Write. Just about everything.

8-If she wants to go, let her go. She anyways wouldnt come back even if you book her a cab.

9-Dont trust her if she says she loves you in first three meetings. She has said it to other men before. For if she hasnt, she would have understood that love is a large phenomenon than merely a fleeting feeling.

10-You cant fall in love twice. Period. Because if you can, you never had.

11-If he says he is your friend, you will get to know about it. Hang on.

12-Dont drink and drive but if you do, make sure alcohol is not the only reason behind the accident.

13-Never hide anything from someone who hasnt hidden anything from you.

14-If a person doesnt respond to your call twice, leave him a strong message of displeasure. He will call you back.

15-Always remember names over faces.

16-Be proud of your tooth plaque. You have been eating and digesting something for years human body is not made for.

17-Know everything about a school of thought you dont believe in.

18-Your body isnt made to hold sweat for long. Run without a reason.

19-Lend your pen and ink together. You never know how long the other person wants to write.

20-Speak with someone who is wanting to speak with you for long.

21-Play with your kids a game and lose selflessly. Your dad exactly did the same when you were a kid and you thought you were a pro ?

22-An old man is a library with locomotion. Spend time with him.



Manil Mayank Mishra

I write to live and I live to write. Somehow, in the quest of them being together, I partly live, I partly write. One should live ‘writely’.